


护士是保健工作者中最大的一部分, 根据美国护理学院协会. 在美国,护士的数量是医生的四倍.S. 医疗保健系统, and the majority of healthcare services require some type of care that a nurse provides.

鉴于他们在医疗保健中的重要作用, nurses have an obligation to ensure they maintain the 技能 they need to do their jobs well. Acquiring clinical nursing 技能 and keeping those 技能 up to date is a fundamental responsibility of any nurse, and certain clinical 技能 are important to all nurses regardless of their specific roles. 任何考虑报名参加 护理学校欧博app can benefit from exploring the essential clinical 技能 that are critical to professional success in the field. 


It’s helpful to think about clinical nursing 技能 in relation to nurses’ responsibilities. One approach is to view essential clinical nursing 技能 as the capabilities that enable nurses to carry out the steps in the nursing process. 这些步骤包括:

  • 评估:分析患者客观资料, 比如他们的生命体征, 主观数据, 比如他们在描述自己的健康抱怨时提供的信息
  • 诊断确定患者的具体健康问题
  • 规划制定解决病人健康问题的干预措施和目标
  • 实现:执行病人护理计划中规定的干预措施
  • 评价确定患者是否从他们的护理计划中获得预期的结果, 并根据需要修改护理计划

Another way to consider essential clinical 技能 is as the 技能 needed to provide services across four spheres of healthcare delivery. Specifically, the AACN has stressed the need for nursing education and 技能 in these areas:

  • 预防疾病,促进福祉和健康
  • 提供慢性病护理 
  • 进行修复和再生护理
  • 提供缓和、支持和临终关怀 


ANA企业(一个由美国护士协会组成的组织), 美国护士资格认证中心, and the American Nurses Foundation) has identified the six 技能 discussed below as essential to the nursing profession. Nurses can use these 技能 to help patients achieve positive health outcomes and to enhance the quality of the nursing profession.

1. 沟通技巧

良好的口头和书面沟通能力对任何护士的成功都至关重要. Good communication 技能 include being adept at understanding patients’ nonverbal cues and actively listening. 沟通是减少医疗差错和沟通不畅的关键, 它有助于帮助病人对自己的健康做出正确的决定. 

2. 注意细节的能力

比如沟通技巧, 能够注意细节是减少医疗差错的关键. Recognizing changes in a patient’s condition — even changes that might initially seem minor — can help to ensure patients receive quality healthcare. The ANA Enterprise notes that developing 技能 in time management and balancing priorities can help strengthen a nurse’s attention to detail.

3. 解决问题和批判性思维的能力

Being able to solve problems and practice critical thinking are key components of a nurse’s clinical skill set. 经常自主工作, nurses rely on their healthcare expertise and critical thinking 技能 to analyze information and develop approaches to help patients achieve positive health outcomes. Nurses’ problem-solving 技能 also enable them to make decisions when working in stressful situations.

4. 表达同情和同理心的技巧

护理是一种助人的职业, and nurses’ ability to express compassion and empathy is important in building trust with their patients. 表达同理心表明护士能够理解病人的经历, and demonstrating compassion can help to alleviate patients’ concerns regarding their health. 

5. 为病人辩护和表现正直的技巧

接受保健服务的患者处于弱势地位. Nurses have a duty to advocate for their patients and demonstrate integrity in the work they perform. Nurses operating from a strong moral and ethical point of view can support their patients in making the best decisions regarding their healthcare.

6. 能够继续学习和提高护理技能

Nurses who are willing to continue expanding their expertise are well positioned to provide the best care to their patients. 无论是追求职业发展机会, 继续他们的教育, 或者参加指导欧博app, nurses have numerous avenues for advancing their existing 技能 and acquiring new 技能.


Aspiring nurses might be interested to know about the specific hands-on clinical 技能 that current nurses believe are important in performing their jobs. In 2021, the 国家护理委员会全国委员会 surveyed new registered nurses and new licensed practical nurses and licensed vocational nurses and found the following:

  • 新注册护士报告患者安全技能, 气道管理, 基本的生命支持是他们工作中最重要的三个实践技能.
  • New licensed practical nurses and licensed vocational nurses reported that 技能 related to medication, 客户端安全, 感染控制是他们工作中最重要的三个实践技能.


许多福利延伸到完成有执照的实用护理课程的护士, 护理学副学士学位课程, 或护理学士或研究生学位课程. 除了帮助个人获得临床护理技能, 护理欧博app要求个人做以下工作:

  • 进入一个工作前景光明的行业. The ongoing nursing shortage in healthcare translates into strong employment prospects for nurses. 美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)预计将有203个,到2031年,每年有200名注册护士空缺. The BLS also has identified nurse practitioner as the fastest growing occupation in the country, 到2031年,预计就业增长46%.
  • 进行有益的工作,改善病人的生活. 而护士职业的金钱补偿是很重要的, having the opportunity to engage in work that improves the lives of patients offers nurses a strong sense of fulfillment.  
  • 专攻你感兴趣的领域. The nursing profession offers individuals the opportunity to choose a specialization that aligns with their interests and career goals. 
  • 追求职业发展. 有了适当的教育, 技能, 和经验, nurses can climb the career ladder and move into management and executive roles in healthcare. 执业护士甚至可以建立自己的独立实践.


Acquiring clinical nursing 技能 is a great way to embark on a gratifying career path in healthcare. Nurses’ expertise and capabilities make them indispensable in ensuring that patients receive quality healthcare. 

Individuals who have an interest in pursuing a nursing education can explore the Fortis 护理学校课程 to learn how these programs help aspiring 和经验d nurses achieve their career goals. 从护理实践教学到护理研究生教育, 这些护理课程随时准备教育各级经验的护士. 今天就迈出实现护理事业抱负的第一步. 


美国护理学院协会, “要点:专业护理教育的核心能力”
国家护理委员会全国委员会, 《欧博手机版app下载》
国家护理委员会全国委员会, 《欧博app》
U.S. 劳工统计局,增长最快的职业
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, and Nurse Practitioners
U.S. 劳工统计局,注册护士